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Erdal Fırat Mühendislik

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Surfcam Daha Verimli ve Karlı

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SURFCAM Traditional
SURFCAM Designer

Erdal Fırat Mühendislik 2006 yılından beri tasarım, imalat ve mühendislik konularında endüstriye komple çözümler sunmaktadır.
Firmamız Tasarım,İmalat ve Mühendislik yazılımlarının satış, eğitim, destek, danışmanlık veservis hizmetlerinde de aynı kaliteyi sağlamayı kendisine ilke edinmiştir.

Erdal Fırat Mühendislik Olarak Müşterilerimize Yenilikçi Tasarım ve Ürün Gerçekleştirme Çözümleri Sunuyoruz.
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Yanıt Oranı
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İşte Erdal Fırat Mühendislik Farkları:
23 yıllık SURFCAM CAD/CAM Uzmanlığı
Kaliteye olan inanç ve bu konuda organizasyonun kararlılığı
Müşterinin önemi ve müşteriye verilen değer
Organizasyonda yenilik ve yaratıcılık konusundaki istek ve bu konudaki çabaların takdir ve teşvik edilmesi
SURFCAM Versiyonları
Several new enhancements have been made in SURFCAM 2022.1. Major new enhancements have been made to following functionalities within SURFCAM 2022.1:
- Tool library
- 2-axis waveform
- Operation manager - Operation run time estimate
- Fixture layers in verification
- EditNC 12.1 update
- DESIGNER version 2022.1 update
- NCSIMUL version 2022.1 update
SURFCAM brings powerful complementary tools to its user base
DESIGNER Companion
SURFCAM, the powerful 3D CAM product that achieves the balance between feature sets and ease of use, reinforces its portfolio by adding DESIGNER to its solution workflow. SURFCAM customers with a valid maintenance contract will benefit from a direct modelling, hybrid modelling CAD tool for Manufacturing. Preparing the model in advance, including capping holes and pockets, healing missing faces, or extending surfaces means the manufacturing job that comes after becomes much simpler.
DESIGNER brings state-of-the-art modelling functionality powered by top Hexagon technology. A simple and powerful “Send to CAM” command creates the SURFCAM project directly from the CAD application, ensuring the right models are automatically assigned as stock and fixture. CAM entities can be automatically created such as curves, surface lists and surface list groups.
SURFCAM will be aware of changes to this DESIGNER file, meaning that toolpath will be associative to design changes the user might eventually perform.
Integration with NCSIMUL Essential
SURFCAM improves its link with Hexagon’s Simulation and Verification application, NCSIMUL. In its Essential version, which comes included in SURFCAM, projects can be imported and verified, including all links amongst multiple toolpaths, to ensure the process is completely simulated and validated for execution. This links offers an upgrade path into full NCSIMUL, which bring additional functionality such as multi-project optimisation, NC code reading and optimisation. Version 2022.0 consolidates this link, exporting Turning projects too.
Flexible 4X and 5X Functionality
SURFCAM users that wanted to explore 4- and 5-Axis technology had to upgrade their 3X systems. Now, with the addition of independent modules, customers can remain at their current 3X system level, and float modules in a network pool, making the use of the technology much more flexible in a multi-user environment.
Autodesk Inventor Files Read by Default
SURFCAM users required an extra module to load Inventor solid models. This is now simplified, these files can be read natively with any SURFCAM system without the need for an extra license.
SURFCAM 2021 includes integration with NCSIMUL manufacturing simulation software to connect the virtual and real for greater flexibility and productivity
NCSIMUL Direct Connection
The new version of SURFCAM Traditional computer-aided-manufacturing (CAM) software offers a direct connection to the NCSIMUL machining simulation solution, a development that provides SURFCAM programmers with greater control over the manufacturing process by delivering a more accurate and detailed picture of each machining operation from start to finish.
SURFCAM Traditional is designed to provide manufacturers with robust, flexible, and easy-to-use programming capabilities for 2-5-axis machining,
in addition to turning and wire-EDM programming functions. NCSIMUL machining-simulation software can be used in conjunction with a wide range of CAM systems to verify and optimize toolpath, quickly switch NC programs between machine tools, and simulate machining operations.
By using a direct link to NCSIMUL from within the SURFCAM Traditional 2021 interface, SURFCAM users will have access to true G-code toolpath verification, editing and simulation functions to ensure that their NC programs are collision free and reflect the full CNC machining environment. This new associativity between the two systems also enables users to compare cut stock with original design geometry.
The ability to view the state of the stock model throughout the machining process, including multiple operation parts or multiple part setup, provides machinists with the flexibility needed to adjust operations when required to prevent errors.
SURFCAM Traditional users can access NCSIMUL via the system's operations manager, which lists set-ups for operations in the order the'll be performed, as well as relevant machining data for each operation. From there, users can view the part within the NCSIMUL interface in various modes, including wireframe, facet, shading and shape modes. Tooling, tooling sequences, and toolpath can be viewed and edited within that same interface.
The direct link to NCSIMUL also enables users to digitally add or subtract part stock, and adjust fixturing, clamps, and cutting-tool libraries. Access to detailed virtual set-ups remove guesswork by providing accurate digital twins of complete machining environments that can then be recreated in the real world.
Other Enhancements
Additional enhancements available with the latest version of SURFCAM Traditional include the option for layer-based fixturing, which allows users to draw or import fixture geometry directly into the software instead of entering fixturing data numerically or via an external file.
With the new layering option, fixturing data resides on a set of layers defined by users, and the fixturing information is referenced during the toolpath-verification process. This improvement makes the management of fixturing data simpler and reduces opportunities for error.
Toolpath viewing capabilities have also been improved in the latest release, as toolpath can now be hidden with a single button click from the main toolbar. This new development saves time by simplifying the process of hiding toolpath for graphical clarity during the programming process.
Commitment to improving digital tools that reflect true-life manufacturing conditions remain critical to ongoing software development.
2-Axis Machining
Slot Operation
In 2020.1 we are introducing a new 2 Axis slotting cycle. Used with single or chain of elements defining the center of the slot. The special purpose operation simplifies creating a slot allowing an easy to use ramping cenerline toolpath.
Automated Hole Grouping
Located under Tools / Hole Grouping – Automatically select holes to process and create groups to be used with Hole Process or NC operations. These can be sorted and processed as desired with control for diameters, Z-levels, and individual positions. Make your selections, process the desired holes, name and create your group. You are now ready for Operation selection.
Part Alignment Wizard
This helps to move and align .SCPRT or Imported files with translation / rotations / views / axis changes along with easy placement and preview / revert capability.
2 Axis Machining - Start Point option
2-Axis Start/End option for contour gives user desired control of tool entry and exit locations.
3 Axis Machining
Enhancements to HSM Operations
High Feedrate support has been added for remaining HSM Operations and is activated through the options tab. Check on the High Speed Repositioning checkbox to convert rapid to high feed moves.
Adaptive Rough Improvements
3 Axis Adaptive Rough now has the ability to cut with Rough Step only without the secondary step reduction passes. Previously a step reduction value was needed in order to process the toolpath. Now you can enter the same depth as the rough pass or leave the value at zero to cut without reduction.
Waveform Improvements
3 Axis Waveform now has a seperate Helical Plunge Rate option. This allows straight plunges to be controled at a seperate feed rate giving the user more control over straight and helical plunges. The seperate Helical Plunge rate is located on the Leads / Links tab placed with the Waveform plunge ramp settings.
General Enhancements
New Drag and Drop Feature
We have added a new enhanced option to the drag and drop file import. Drag and drop opens and imports files into your session by simply grabbing the file and dropping it in the Surfcam session. To do this grab your selected file, press and hold SHIFT during the drop to assure the append. Once placed you can let go and begin work.
Layer Dialog Improvements
The layers dialog position and size are remembered between sessions when Apply or OK is used to accept changes made. This is a long requested feature that gives the user more control and desired placement when working between layers.
There is also a new additional button for All Visible. This is an added option to toggle between all Visible and all Invisible layers. This was a simple one click solution to showing or hiding all layers.
Updates to Create / Spline
The Create / Spline / Surface Boundaries have been updated with enhanced geometry creation. The Bounding Box no longer contains automatic fillets and will create a true bounding box. The other boundary types also have improved spline output.
Boundaries now have customizable colors under Tools / Options to be set to any desired color. This can be found under the Color / System page. This is stored through the INI to be remembered between sessions.
Chaining Enhancements
Geometry chaining has been enhanced by highlighting the available choice for branch selection when a branch point is reached.
This helps the user highlight his available selections for closing or ending geometry or boundary selections.
SURFCAM Designer
Send to CAM
Send the current part in DESIGNER directly to SURFCAM with a single button! Easily transition your part from CAD to CAM with ease.
EditNC Enhancements
Units Control
New option to set English/Metric units defaults.
Tool Change Control
New “Auto Determine” option to specify tool change commands.
Backplotter Enhancements
“Visualization Plane” added to backplotter – easier to see orientation.
General Analysis
Several improvements to General Analysis.
EditNC Fixes
- Fix: “Save As” did not always honor file type correctly
- Fix: Some arcs with radius < .0091” were not plotted correctly
- Fix: Analysis could fail on some programs with CSS option checked
- Fix: Compare options not saved between sessions
- Fix: Analysis output of some metric lathe programs was incorrect
Ürün Talep Formu
23 yıllık SURFCAM CAD/CAM Uzmanlığı
Erdal Fırat Mühendislik Tasarım,İmalat ve Mühendislik yazılımlarının satış, eğitim, destek, danışmanlık ve servis hizmetlerinde de aynı kaliteyi sağlamayı kendisine ilke edinmiştir.